Dogs with Issues


Click here for a list of recommended private trainers and recommendations for finding a qualified behavior professional.


If you have a dog that would not learn well in traditional class due to fearful, threatening or aggressive behavior, we can help.  Our innovative Dogs With Issues series is designed to help dogs that struggle with behavior issues ranging from barking and lunging, to cowering and hiding. Our goal is to help your dog feel safe, relaxed, and in control while out-and-about in the world. The program begins with the Dogs With Issues seminar, which is a 2-part class just for owners; followed by classes tailored specifically to your dog’s special needs, and that provide hands-on class instruction and personal attention. Below is detailed information about these classes.

Our Dogs with Issues series is structured in a way that works with your dog’s specific needs. Each class is designed to provide a safe place for you and your dog to work.

Dogs With Issues (DWI) Seminar

$60 per household for 2 class sessions
Leave your dog at home – for people only
The first priority of any animal is to feel safe.   When faced with something threatening, dogs will communicate how they feel through body language and vocalization.  This often results in behavior that is hard to manage, or leaves you feeling overwhelmed as a dog owner.  Whether you have a wallflower or a feisty Fido, our Dogs with Issues seminar will teach you how to manage your dog and learn the principles of training.  Through the latest methods, you’ll learn how to:
  • Recognize fear and the early signs of aggressive behavior
  • Build your dog’s confidence
  • Teach your dog to pay attention to you
  • Transform fear into anticipation and polite manners

Because our Reactive Dog class is so popular, there may be a waiting list.  The Dogs With Issues seminar with provide you with some strategies that you can use at home right way, to keep you, others and your dog safe until you can get into class or find additional resources.

Please leave your dog at home so you can watch the presentation, videos and demonstration dogs without distraction.


shy dog

Shy Dog Class

$200 for 8 weekly class sessions

Class requirements: 
  • Attend the Dogs With Issues Seminar
  • Complete a Behavior Questionnaire (will be provided after you sign up)
  • Complete a Behavior Evaluation, if there is a history of growling, snapping, lunging, or biting.   A schedule of options will be provided to you if this is required.  The fee for this private 30-minute assessment of your dog’s behavior is $45.

This class is for dogs that are not able to learn in regular obedience classes due to shy or fearful reactions.  Our goal is to help you create a better, less stressful life with your dog.   This class is recommended if your dog shows any of the following behaviors:

  • Tries to hide, run away or trembles in new environments or when strangers or new dogs approach
  • Startles easily and does not recover quickly.
  • Shuts down, freezes, or in others ways does not interact
  • Has been in a class and appears too stressed, nervous or uncomfortable to participate.  Important:  Sometimes dogs display subtle signs of fear and stress that you may not notice.  Many dogs refuse to take treats or food, or make direct eye contact when stressed or fearful.  Please see our Body Language Chart for more signs of fear and stress.  Click Here

What you and your dog will learn:

  • How to keep your dog from feeling overwhelmed or shut down from fear
  • How to recognize canine body language that is associated with stress and fear
  • How to change the way your dog feels about other people/dogs/places
  • How to teach your dog what to do when s/he is nervous

*If the next Shy Dog Class is full please Contact our office to be notified if there are any cancellations.


Reactive Dog Class

$150 for 6 weekly class sessions

Class requirements: 
  • Attend the Dogs With Issues Seminar
  • Complete a Behavior Questionnaire (will be provided after you sign up)
  • Complete a Behavior Evaluation, if there is a history of growling, snapping, lunging, or biting.   A schedule of options will be provided to you if this is required.  The fee for this private 30-minute assessment of your dog’s behavior is $45.

This class is for dogs that would not learn in regular classes due to disruptive behavior such as growling, lunging or excessive and uncontrollable barking at unfamiliar dogs or people.  Reactive behaviors are based in fear and develop as a coping mechanism to stressful environmental triggers.  Working with reactivity requires an integrated approach that will help you and your dog reduce stress, build confidence, and become more adaptable. This class is recommended if your dog shows the following behavior:

  • Barking and/or lunging uncontrollably at other dogs or unfamiliar people (including instructors)
  • Biting the leash or turning around to bite you when your dog sees others dogs or unfamiliar people
  • Growling if other dogs or unfamiliar people approach
  • Disruptive behavior in other group class situations

Note: If your dog is only showing aggressive behavior (growling, barking, snapping or biting) in the presence of food, treats or toys, this is not the best class for you.  We highly recommend private training or other resources to address this issue.  Please contact us or speak with an instructor in one of our classes as soon as possible. What you and your dog will learn:

  • How to manage your dog safely
  • How to recognize canine body language that predicts aggressive behavior
  • How to change the way your dog may feel about unfamiliar dogs and people
  • How to teach your dog what to do instead of barking, growling or lunging

*If the next Reactive Dog Class is full please Contact our office to be notified if there are any cancellations or sign up for the Waiting List.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What if I’m not sure if my dog needs this class?  Sometimes it’s not easy to determine which class is the best option based solely on your dog’s history.  Contact our office to get a recommendation.  Generally, if you have observed barking uncontrollably, lunging or snarling at other dogs or people in class or in public, your dog may benefit from the Reactive Dog class.  We reserve the right to make the final decision about the best class for your dog.  Some dogs that show disruptive or threatening behavior are better served in private training.  

Why is a Behavior Evaluation required for some dogs?  If your dog has a history of growling, snapping or biting, a behavior evaluation may be required.  This private, 30-minute session with a minimum of 2 trainers will help us determine if your dog can be safely managed in the class and if your dog will benefit from the training.  Some dogs may be better with a recommendation for private trainer or a recommendation to see a veterinarian.  Click on the chart to see the possible recommendations of the behavior evaluation.

Dogs With Issues Flow chart

Why is there an additional fee for the Behavior Evaluation? Not all dogs require a behavior evaluation.  But when it is required, a minimum of 2 trainers are required to properly and safety evaluate your dog’s behavior.  The fee helps offset the staff time needed to evaluate your dog’s behavior and provide you with recommendations.

Will my dog get better?  Many factors go into your dog’s recovery, including how much work you do between classes and your dog’s underlying temperament.  These will influence how quickly your dog responds to training.  The more consistently you can practice the skills you’re learning out in the “real world,” the more likely your dog is to improve.  It’s important to realize your dog may always be more reactive or fearful than other dogs.  But that’s OK.  Our goal to give you strategies and techniques to help your dog, and the confidence to support your dog so she is not panicked and overwhelmed in daily life.  Together we can unburden your dog and give her confidence to take on the world!

Do I have to take the Dogs With Issues Seminar if I already know about dog behavior/have taken many training classes? Yes, the Dogs With Issues seminar is a class requirement for our Specialty classes, Shy and Reactive Dog. Many popular publications, including the internet and television shows, as well as other training organizations, may not offer the in-depth behavior and applied animal science education we provide. We are highly trained professionals, and will provide the most up-to-date training, tools and techniques for you and your dog.

Won’t the Reactive Dog class make my dog more reactive because he will be around a lot of barking dogs? No, we’ll teach you the proper techniques to manage and train your dog’s reactive behavior. In order to learn to cope with other dogs, your dog must be trained in a class of dogs with similar issues. Due to the safety strategies that we use in this class, the class is often quiet and calm.

How can I be sure that dogs will not harm each other or other people in these classes? We take every precaution in our Specialty classes to ensure the safety of you and your dog. Classes are designed with multiple barriers and containment sections for every individual dog. We also have a specific protocol for entering and exiting class, that ensures maximum safety. And in addition, we staff each class with a high trainer to student ratio, so that trained professionals are available to manage class and give you personal attention.