Become a Member
Two sponsors, who are club members, are required for membership. If you’re taking classes with us, talk to your trainers about sponsorship. If you’re not in class, you can find sponsors at our club events, obedience trial, or a Behavior and Training 101 class. Club Members and Trainers are happy to sponsor new members!
A prospective member needs to submit a completed application plus payment for one year of membership. Applications are available on our website or in class. Membership fees are $15/yr (single) and $25/yr (family). If members join after Jan.1st, fees are pro-rated to half ($7.50/12.50) because our calendar years begin in July. We accept checks or cash. Checks can be made out to GSLTC. Payment must be included with applications!
The board meets once a month to vote on applications, and prospective members will be notified after voting. Click here for a Membership Form.